If you're a new parent or currently have a baby that is teething, you are all too familiar with the exhaustive list of never ending teething toys available on the market. Although exhaustive, it is nice to know that you have many items to choose from in attempting to console your little ones gums. On the other hand, I found it frustrating to find a teething toy that worked for my son. It is so true when they say every baby is very individual. What one baby likes another might hate, it doesn't even matter if their siblings!
For example, my son never liked any teething toys. I tried the ones that have water inside which you stick in the fridge, didn't like those. I tried freezing a cloth, and tried endless amounts of soothers that claim to massage baby's gums; even Sophie the giraffe, but nothing! He hated them all.
My son had almost a mouth full of teeth by the time he was 12 months. After trying endless amounts of teethers, at about 13 months he finally took the teethers that are filled with water and which you can freeze. He also started liking Sophie the Giraffe because she makes a funny squeaking noise. Finally! Just goes to show that you have to try things over and over again. Just because it doesn't work the first, second and even the third time doesn't mean it will never work. Persistence prevailed!! But a little late.
I also found that freezing fruit that he can nibble on helped his gums quite a bit. It took the swelling and inflammation down. Of course I recommend using fruits that your little one can't choke on and of direct supervision.
I have heard from other parents that rubbing your baby's guns can help numb the pain temporarily. I found that my son chewed on everything but for short periods of time and mostly on his soother. I was never sure if he was teething because he just liked to put everything his mouth. He looked at the world like it was one big plate of food. I have also heard from friends of mine that cold or chilled water bottle helps if your wee one likes water or is on solids. I found with my son cold purees worked great. However, that being said there are times when he just rejected every therapy that I supplied. Like I mentioned before, babies are very interesting beings, although small and not self sufficient they definitely have a mind of their own. One day they might like something and the next day hate it. I guess that is why parents like me spend so much money on toys, blankets etc. You never know what there going to like that you just keep buying, anything to make your little one happy. After all that is what parenting is all about. Trials and error!
In an effort to try and help parents, I have listed in my post a few of the teethers my son liked and ones that friends have recommended.
It's great because babies can hold it in their wee little hands without any problems. It makes squeaky sounds that make your wee one laugh. Sophie's bumpy head helps massage baby's gums. Its light weight, non toxic and easy to hide in a diaper bag.
My son actually really liked the teether ball for a bout one week and then decided he was no longer interested. It soft, squishy and easy for babies to grasp in their little hands. It is washable and it does make a noise when it squeaks.
My son also chews the railings of his crib, at the time I didn't know anything existed on the market. The other day I stumble upon this item below. I can't attest to it because I have never tried it but I thought I would list it in case someone has.
This is called a KidKusion's Gumni Crib Rail which creates a soft, chewable surface on baby's crib. It fits all cribs and easy to install with self adhesive strips.
These are the teething toys that my son finally took. They are filled with a non toxic substance and you can stick them in the fridge. Babies like to chew on the cold spongy part.
Most drug stores and big department stores carry these ones!
And finally, the cloth teethers!
A friend of mine, her little girl who is 4 months loves to chew on her blanket or clothing or anything she can get her mouth on. She also doesn't like most teethers that are on the market until she tried a cloth teether.
This one is called Ringley's Natural Teething Toy
It is made without harmful chemicals and with 100% organic material. Its design so baby can easily grip the teether and can be used wet or dry.
I also found a cute little teether on Etsy.com by a shop called Bundled. There teething giraffe is super cute!
As per Bundled description:
Sweet little giraffe rattles in bold prints make for tons of gentle fun for your little one. Soft cotton fabric bodies are easy for baby to grip, shake and chew. Little jingle bells on the inside and soft fabric loop ears and tail make for a "not to loud" distraction too
You can find this cute little giraffe at www.bundled.etsy.com .
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