Knee Knee's - For Crawling and Active Babies

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Features of the Knee Knee's:

Do you want your baby to crawl in soft, padded and comfortable pants?  These pants provide a non-bulky layer of padding that protect the infants knees when crawling.  Protects your baby from  bruised and red scratched knees. 

These special pants have hidden padding in the knees designed specifically to not hinder the outward appearance of the pants.  Many different styles are available.

These pants are also available for the very active toddler. 

Bug In A Rug!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This might not be a new baby thing on the  market but it is to me.  I have never seen it before and believe me I have shopped around. I was a baby shop-a-holic.  It's a type of "baby wrap" but looks like it's simpler to use and could be quite handy with a newborn.  I am sure you can use it also when your baby is older.   This product could be found on the website called : http://www.buginarug . As per the website information, it's a multipurpose baby wrap that is available in numerous types of material. I think this products looks great.  If my son was younger I would be trying it out.  If anyone tries this product , let me know your thoughts. 

I did notice that Walmart carries a similar item!

Z List

Monday, December 15, 2008

Baby Laughing

Information Overload

What are new mom's and dad's looking for ? The reality is when you bring your newborn home, it's information overload. Don't do this ! , Don't do that !, Get this ! , Get that! I say do what is best for your baby, your the parents you'll know what to do. But in the meantime, this blog offers tid bits of information , not on how to parent but where you can get useful stuff.
There will be daily updates on where to get cool stuff, brand new stuff on the market, and very useful stuff and of course last but not least VERY VERY COOL STUFF that may not be practical but fun to have and show off to all your friends and family.
That being said, if anyone is looking for something in particular, send me a comment and I will research it to the best I can to find you an answer.
So you tell me , What are you looking for?

Baby Sleep Sacks, Baby Snugglers

What are they? and Where can you find them?

This can all be overwhelming to the new parent. So many choices in baby clothing, baby bottles , baby this and baby that and now sleepsacks!

What are they? They are a safe alternative to baby bedding. It's a sleeping bag for a baby. Many places sell them and they are made very well so your sweet little boy or girl doesn't overheat. There are so many to choose from, summer and winter ones, different togs (meaning different thickness in material).

Rather then searching the web endlessly on no sleep , here are some of the great ones on the market today.


  • Swaddle Me
  • Snug and Tug Swaddling
  • Grobag Swaddling
  • Precious Little Angel
  • Miracle Blanket
  • Cozy Cocoon
  • Swaddleaze
  • BigMuz

Hope that helps your search for the best sleep sack for your baby !

Have you ever heard of the The Woombie

It's a cocoon shaped swaddle which mimics a mother's womb. Babies love it ! Time and time again swaddling in all its forms and different brand names has proven to be a safe and effective way to keep our little ones warm and snuggled.

It's an easy in and out blanket. Great for Nighttime, Nap-time, bath time or anytime.

Great Baby Finds and Cost Effective

If your a new mom or dad looking for great bedding for your baby and don't want to have to pay lots of money, they actually have a great selection at but don't mistaken this for the Canadian website, the great products are on the American website. Another good place with reasonably priced baby bedding is and it's fabulous. I know first hand cause the crib set includes: quilt, bumper, dust ruffle and fitted sheet, all for $70.00 US. The great thing is you can also get matching lamps and frames ect. Great selection.

More expensive but very trendy !

A friend of mine recommended this place: . They have great designs and beautiful colors. 

Stay posted for more grat places to shop, if you have any places you can recommend, send me your feedback.

Swaddling !

The Moro reflex, also known as the startle reflex, is a normal baby reflex according to the Wikipedia. This is why babies love to be swaddle and why at first most new mom's think babies don't like it. Babies by nature will try and wiggle their way out of everything.One great book to read about the Moro Reflex and the benefits of swaddling is called : The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp.Their are numerous swaddles on the market that make the "Art of Swaddling" much easier: SwaddleMe and Halo Sleep Sack Swaddle. The SwaddleMe product is made by . The Halo Sleep Sacks are made by .

Mom's Must Have !

The first day you brought your little baby home was the best day of your life.  I bet you wished you could of stayed in the hospital just one more day to get the hang of parenthood or what is awaiting you when you get home. Sleepless night !  Caring for your newborn child might be an intimidating task for new parents. What is even more intimidating is giving your little one a bath, so fragile and so little.

Think of how easier it would be to snuggle your newborn baby if you had a swaddle towel to put him or her directly inside right after a warm bath. A baby towel that keeps the little wiggler warm.

If your not a new parent and you got a handle on things, well a swaddle towel would just make your life easier.  Keep checking this blog, this product is coming to a local retailer soon.